School Opening Ceremony
On the morning of 4th Spetember, 2017, Anqing Foreign Language School’s west campus observed the grand opening of the school opening day on the playground.
First of all, the ceremony was proceeded in order in solemn national anthem. Student representative Zhang Ruiyan from Class 2, Grade 7 made a speech. Then, teacher representative Liu Yao conducted a keynote speech in which he stated that all teachers would greet opportunities and challenges in the new semester with more plentiful energy and higher morale.
Second of all, Principal Assistant Ling Qian issued an ardent school opening speech in which he spoke highly of the excellent performance of all teachers and students during the last academic year and expressed sincere thanks to all teachers’ industriousness. In the meantime, Principal Assistant Ling Qian required all students to have ‘Five Hearts’, which were the desire to advance when faced with setbacks, a virtuous heart to the weak, a normal heart to honor, a grateful heart when receiving help in addition to a generous heart when faced with grievances. Other than that, Principal Assistant Ling put forward new expectations towards the new academic year.
To sum sup, a new semester means a new start and new hopes. We firmly believe that all children shall learn knowledge, gain happiness and grow healthily in Anqing Foreign Language School’s warm family.